Classification & Compensation

Classification and Compensation unit within the Office of Human Resources is responsible for working with University administrators to establish and maintain fair and equitable classification and salary decisions for the University's workforce. The unit maintains the integrity of the State of North Carolina's career banding program for positions Subject to the State Human Resources Act (SHRA) and positions that are Exempt from the State Human Resources Act (EHRA), as well as the Department of Labor's prescribed Fair Labor Standards Act regulations.

The Classification and Compensation Consultant is charged with the overall position management and salary administration for the University within the guidelines prescribed by the University of North Carolina (UNC) System and the Office of State Human Rescources (OSHR). The primary functions of the position incude position management and compensation consultation, which can assist Uniersity administrators with organizational and position design; position review and analysis; consultation on departmental pay philosophies and strategies; compensation analysis; and salary adjustment approvals and monitoring.

Position Management and Salary Guidance

The guidance provided below is only to be used as guidance. Please reach out the Classification & Compensation Consultant for further questions.

Salary adjustments for incumbent employees are based on four pa factors, also known as FAIR. These are the general parameters within which pay decision must be made. The four pay factors are:

  • Financial Resources
  • Appropriate Market Rate
  • Internal Pay Alignment
  • Required Competencies
SHRA/EHRA Position Management Forms

The forms below will be required for any position and/or salary action. Please reach out the Classification & Compensation Consultant for further questions.

Position and Personnel Action Form Examples

For most Classification and Compensation actions, a Position and Personnel Action (PPA) form is required. Please see links below for examples on how a PPA form is completed in its' entirety.

Employment Classification Information
  • Employee Class Structure
  • Comparison of Employment Policies (SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty)
    • EHRA non-faculty IRIT positions support the core mission of the University by creating and disseminating knowledge through direct instruction, research, and public service, or performing professional-level
      duties that are integral to and uniquely supportive of that work. The incumbent in these positions must be substantially engaged in the regular academic, educational, research, information technology, or public service/extension activities of the University. Position incumbents should demonstrate professional expertise and discretion in determining the nature and content of the instructional-, educational-, research-, information technology-, or public service-related
      activities of the institution and have involvement in evaluating the effectiveness of such activities,
      and/or feature significant and independent interaction with participants in the University's instructional,
      educational, research, or public-service programs. The ongoing job responsibilities for such positions
      must address one of the following:
      • Engage in or be uniquely supportive of instruction, student success, and/or the direction or
      coordination of education or academic-supportive activities.
      • Engage in or be uniquely supportive of original scholarship, creativity, or scientific research efforts,
      and the dissemination of such research/scholarship results (including dissemination through
      extension/public service). The ongoing job responsibilities must be involved with independent
      research design, implementation of research procedures, analysis of data, interpretation of
      research results, and/or dissemination of results through publication or public service.
      • Serve in an FLSA-exempt information technology position within a UNC System EHRA Non-Faculty
      IT Professional classification.
      • Serve as a staff physician or staff veterinarian (without primary faculty rank), providing clinical
      healthcare services to human or animal populations.
  • EHRA SAAO Tier I & II
  • SHRA:
    • Employees are subject to the North Carolina Office of Human Resources State of North Carolina policies and procedures