Leave Administration

University employees are provided several leave programs to meet their needs for absences from work. Leave is granted to eligible, full-time, part-time, and time-limited employees. Accrued leave balances are available through Fayetteville State University Self-Service Banner.

Employee Leave Eligibility/Classification:

Campus leave request forms will be maintained at the department level, with the exception for: Community Service, Jury Duty, and Military leave which MUST be submitted to the Human Resources Office. Supervisors are required to maintain supporting documentation of requests for leaves of absence (i.e. bonus, vacation, sick) in accordance with the State Retention Schedule.

Adverse Weather

During an adverse weather event the University may notify students and employees that it is under any one of three adverse weather plans. These plans help employees and students understand whether or not the university is open, and how employees should record their time for that day. Please use the information below to understand the University's three3 adverse weather plans. For further information, please consult Fayetteville State University's Adverse Weather Policy.

Condition One:

  • Reduced Operations - University is open. The University is open, but due to weather or emergency events, travel to or from campus, or conditions on campus, may negatively affect campus operations. Employees should report to work if possible or otherwise use their available paid leave. Missed time from work should be accounted for using one of the following: compensatory time, annual and/or bonus leave, Leave without pay (LWOP) if an employee prefers to take leave without pay in lieu of compensatory time or annual and/or bonus leave, the employee should consult with the Office of Human Resources

Condition Two:

  • Suspended Operations - University is open for mandatory operations. The University has suspended all but mandatory operations due to severe weather or emergency events. Non-mandatory employees must not report to or remain at work. Missed time from work should be accounted for using one of the following: compensatory time, annual and/or bonus leave, Leave without pay (LWOP) if an employee prefersto take leave without pay in lieu of compensatory time or annual and/or bonus leave, the employee should consult with the Office of Human Resources

Condition Three:

  • Closure - University is closed. The University is closed due to the most severe situations, and all but the most critical mandatory operations have been shut down. All but the most critical employees must not report to or remain at work. Employees will be paid for the closure time and will not be required to use their available paid leave or make up the time.

All employees who have worked part-time or full-time at the university or another state agency for twelve months and have worked at least 1040 hours in the time period preceding FMLA leave are entitled to up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave in any twelve-month period for any of the following: (a) the birth and first year care of a child; (b) the adoption or foster placement of a child in the employee's home and/or the first year care of the child; (c) care of a spouse, child, or parent with a serious medical condition; or, (d) the serious medical condition of the employee. During this leave, the employee's pre existing health insurance coverage is maintained. Once the leave period has concluded, the employee is entitled to be reinstated to the same or an equivalent position. Please review the FMLA Policy.

FMLA Forms:

Faculty Members:

Serious Illness and Disability Leave Policy for Faculty

Sick Leave

SHRA Employees:

Full-time permanent, probationary, trainee and time-limited employees are eligible for leave at the rate of twelve days a year (96 hours per year). Part-time (half-time or more) permanent, probationary, trainee and time-limited employees are eligible for leave at a prorated amount. Temporary, intermittent, and part-time (less than half-time) are not eligible for leave.

SHRA Sick Leave Policy

EHRA Non-Faculty Employees:

  • Sick leave for eligible twelve month faculty and EHRA non-faculty is governed by state regulations on sick leave, which entitles employees to twelve days a year.
  • Sick leave may be granted for illness or injury that prevents the performance of usual duties, death in the immediate family, medical appointments, and illness of a member of the immediate family.
  • Sick leave may be used and reported in quarter-hour increments.
  • Unused sick leave for twelve month faculty and EHRA non-faculty employees may be accumulated and carried forward from year to year without limit.
  • Employees may not be paid for any unused accumulated sick leave; however, employees may have their unused sick leave credited toward years of service upon retirement.
  • Employees who return to nine month faculty appointments and who have accumulated sick leave as an administrator may continue to carry their unused accumulated sick leave and have the unused sick leave credited toward years of service upon their retirement.
  • Unused sick leave may not be counted toward eligibility for early retirement, disability retirement, or for a vested deferred allowance (1985, N.C. Senate, Bill 1 Appropriations, Section 193); however, employees may use their sick leave to complete 30 years of service regardless of age. Interpretation of the regulations and additional information concerning sick leave may be obtained from Human Resources.
  • EHRA Sick Leave Policy
  • SAAO Sick Leave Policy

EHRA Faculty Employees:

Faculty members on non-leave earning appointments who experience an extended illness, disability, or a family member's extended illness may request paid leave in accordance with policy.

Serious Illness and Disability Leave Policy for Faculty

Vacation Leave

SHRA Employees:

Annual Leave is credited to employees who are in pay status (working, on paid leave or on workers' compensation leave) for one-half or more of the regularly scheduled workdays and holidays in the pay period in accordance with the provisions outlined below.

  • Full-time permanent, probationary, trainee and time-limited employees are granted leave based on length of total State service. (Part-time employees who work half-time or more are granted prorated leave.)
  • Annual Leave may be accumulated without any applicable maximum until December 31 of each year. However, if the employee separates from service, payment for accumulated leave shall not exceed 240 hours.
  • On December 31 of each year any employee with more than 240 hours of accumulated leave shall have the excess accumulation converted to sick leave so that only 240 hours are carried forward to January 1 of the next calendar year.
  • Accumulation for part-time employees shall be prorated.
  • SHRA Vacation Leave Policy - OSHR

Leave Credits

EHRA  Employees:

Twelve month faculty, librarians, and permanent full-time and part-time EHRA non-faculty are eligible for annual leave if their appointment is .50 or greater. In accordance with the "Personnel Policies for Employees Exempt from the State Personnel Act,":

  • Twelve month faculty, librarians, and EHRA non-faculty earn twenty four days of annual leave.
  • The maximum number of unused days of annual leave that may be accrued and carried forward from one year to the next shall be thirty days (240 hours).
  • Annual leave in excess of thirty days will be automatically converted to sick leave at the end of the year.
  • An employee who has accrued such unused annual leave as of the date of discontinuation of employment shall be paid for such unused annual leave, subject to the prescribed maximum of thirty days.
  • EHRA Annual (Vacation) Leave Policy
  • SAAO Annual (Vacation) Leave Policy
  • Leave Transferrable to Fayetteville State University 
Leave Reporting Requirements

All leave time must be recorded on the employee's monthly timesheet and/or leave report.

All SHRA Non-Exempt (subject to FLSA overtime regulations) are required to submit an electronic timesheet every two weeks (schedule). Supervisors must review and approve all employees' time records prior to 5:00 pm the Monday following the two-week reporting period.

All leave accruing EHRA and SHRA Exempt (not subject to FLSA overtime regulations) employees are required to certify their leave report each month via web entry on Self Service Banner. All employee leave report certification must be completed and submitted to their supervisor for approval by the first day of the following month (i.e. June leave report is due July 1). Supervisors are required to review and approve all their employees' web leave certifications by the second day of the following month (i.e. June leave report must be approved by July 2th). If the 1st or 2nd should fall on a weekend and/or holiday, all time should be submitted and/or approved the next business day.

SHRA Non-Exempt Time and Leave Calendar and Instructions

SHRA Exempt and EHRA

Law Enforcement Officers

Leave Resources for Supervisors

Self-Service Banner User Resources