Hall, Richard

Dr. Richard Anthony Spurgeon Hall
Coordinator, Philosophy
Professor, Philosophy
Office: Butler 255
Phone: 910-672-2048
Email: rhall@uncfsu.edu


I was born June 20, 1946 in Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. In my eleventh year, I emigrated with my family to the United States where I completed my secondary schooling in Rapid City, South Dakota and Chicopee, Massachusetts. I received the B.A. in philosophy from Boston University, the M.A. in philosophy from Dalhousie University, and the Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Toronto. Further, I currently tour libraries, museums and art galleries throughout North Carolina giving presentations in the history of art.

Teaching Courses

I have taught a wide variety of courses including introduction to philosophy, ethics, logic, the philosophy of art, the history of philosophy, and the humanities. I am currently teaching several sections of critical thinking. 

Research Interests

My research interests lie in the history of modern philosophy, with a particular emphasis on American philosophy, aesthetics and the philosophy of art, ethics, and the philosophy of religion. I have published books or articles in these areas.

Publications (recent)

  • Science into Art: Church's The Heart of the Andes as Illustration of Humboldt's Cosmos," published in the Proceedings of The Fourteenth Interdisciplinary Conference On Science & Cultureby Kentucky State University, Frankfort, Kentucky, 2004.
  • "The Ecological Ethics of Jonathan Edwards & Albert Schweitzer," in Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, Vol. XXIX, 2004, 199-213.