Justin Elliott
Justin Elliott is a Communication major and will graduate in 2018.
How has FSU supported your success?
FSU supports student success in may ways. FSU pushes us to be more than just students. FSU helps us find our passion.
What is the one thing you'd like prospective students to know about FSU?
Attending FSU is about academic learning and it is also about personal development. If a student chooses FSU he will also have the opportunity to really understand the importance of helping others and have many opportunities to help. I chose to attend FSU to be close to my grandmother. I stayed at FSU because it feels like home.
What is your passion?
My passion is music. I'm in The Marching Bronco Express. I also have a passion for helping others.
What are your plans for the future?
I plan to go into public relations, working for a non-profit organization, and then moving into the corporate world.