For Researchers

Gift vs. Sponsored Project/Grant



Sponsored Research & Programs

Funding Search - Spin Plus

Innovation and Technology Transfer

Statistics Provided by the Offices of Institutional Research & Effectiveness

Fall IPEDS Enrollment Reports (Information on Gender, Ethnicity, etc.)

  • About Us - Mission Statement
  • Student Achievement Data
  • Fact Book and Fact Sheets
  • Interactive Data Visualizations
  • Academic Profile
  • UNC Data Dashboards
  • IPEDS Data Feedback Report 
  • Peer Institutions
  • For Administrators, Deans, and Dept. Chairs
  • SREB Fact Book
  • WebFOCUS Reporting System
  • NCAIR Highcharts PPT Presentation
Innovation and Technology Transfer

Innovation Technology Transfer

For those interested in potentially commercializing the results of their research, the FSU Research Office provides support and assistance. For innovations with high commercialization potential the University may submit patent applications. Successful patent awards are then typically licensed to inventors interested in entrepreneurship or licensed to other businesses interested in adding innovations to their portfolio. Research with patent potential is reviewed by the FSU Faculty Patents and Inventions Committee to assess prospective opportunities for University support. Faculty and staff who believe they may have developed an innovation with patent potential are asked to submit a disclosure form using the link below:

Invention Disclosure Form


Export Control

Export Control

Export Control Officer Dr. A. Leslie Evelyn 910-672-1644
Director OSRP Dr. A. Leslie Evelyn 910-672-1644

International Research: All proposals for international research must be submitted to OSRP a minimum of 20 FSU business days before the due date to allow for review for Export Control compliance with ITAR and EAR. All research projects or programs involving international collaboration should be cleared through OSRP's Export Control and Compliance Office. Important Links:

Institutional Review Board (IRB) - Human Rights in Research Committee (HRRC)
Institutional Review Board Oversight

HRRC - Human Subjects Research

Application submittal requirements: IRB Process Flow Chart  

Applications for Research conducted in the United States must be submitted to the appropriate committee at least 10 FSU business days prior to the proposed start date. Please note: FSU business days are course days during the fall and spring semester. Applications for International Research must be submitted to the appropriate committee at least 20 FSU business days prior to the proposed start date.

Citi Training for Human Subjects

Required Trainings for IRB applications:  To complete trainings go to, register as a new user and affiliate with FSU. Then select the trainings that are required. When a training is completed you will be sent a link to a certificate. Certifications are valid for 3 years and should be added to your C.V. and digital measures. All researchers, faculty, administration, staff and students are required to successfully complete their required trainings, before an application for research can be reviewed. For Research not involving Human Subjects, all researchers are required:

  1. Ethics for Researchers (co-branded "Biomedical Responsible Conduct of Research") For some individuals specialized training may be required, such as working with animals, or with drugs.

Application for the Institutional Review Board are found on the Research Forms Page

HRRC - Human Research Review Committee Application (Located on the Forms Page-IRB Compliance Forms)

IACUC - Animal Research

ETHICS - Research Ethics

HRS Hazardous Materials

Biological MaterialsForms

Hazardous Equipment Research


Institutional Review Board(IRB)



Dr. Monica T. Leach, Chair

Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Dr. Ganesh Bora

Associate Vice Chancellor of Research and Technology Innovation

Dr. John Brooks


To be Announced

Chair HRS

Dr. Eid Haddad


Dr. Theodore Kaniuka

Chair HRRC

Dr. A. Leslie Evelyn

Compliance Officer

All individuals wishing to conduct research as a member of the FSU community or at FSU must complete the required trainings and submit an application and gain approval from the appropriate committee. For Research involving Human Subjects - HRRC (Human Rights in Research Committee) For Research involving Animals - IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee)