Research Highlights

Articles: Annual Research Publications | NSF Awards Excellence in Research: Phytohormones and Heat-Induced Loss|    NASA awards multi center internships | NIH Selects FSU as one of its PIE Cohorts | NASA STTR Award: Augmented Intelligence and Cognitive Support Ecosystem | NASA's Best Innovation and Technology Transfer Idea Award goes to FSU| Multi-locus Genome-Wide Association Study and Gene Expression Analysis | 
Geo Week and Geo Day 2020 |  FSU Chemistry Student & Veteran Receives Prestigious Honor | News Release: Grant and Contract Awards: Rapid Growth  | | News Release: Transparent Solar Panels   |   Cape Fear Research Consortium Meeting at FSU | Fraud Informatics Symposium |  CRADA Agreement |   Grant Recognition |    NASA and FSU | Fort Bragg Research Institute | FSU and US Army Partnership  |  FSU USAMC CRADA | NASA SPACE Act | NASA and FSU|Pentagon to the People at FSU

Annual Research Publications

Learn about what's happening in research and technology transfer.

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Excellence in Research: Phytohormones and Heat-Induced Loss of Wheat Resistance to Hessian Fly

Heat stress can compromise plant resistance to insects, but the mechanism of the heat stress-induced loss of host plants remains largely unknown. Overwhelming evidence have indicated that phytohormones salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA), and auxin play critical roles in plants' response to biotic and abiotic stresses. 

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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) selects Fayetteville State University as one of its "Path to Excellence and Innovation" Cohorts.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the largest biomedical research organization in the world, and its 27 institutes and centers annually obligate approximately $6 billion in contract awards to support the NIH mission. Path to Excellence and Innovation (PEI) is a high-level road map for getting Historically Black Colleges and Universities a seat at the table for more NIH contract awards. The NIH Office of Acquisition and Logistics Management (OALM) established the PEI as a comprehensive program to accomplish the goals prescribed in Presidential Executive Order (EO) 13779, the White House's initiative to promote excellence and innovation at HBCUs.

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Title of the NASA STTR award: Augmented Intelligence and Cognitive Support Ecosystem (AICSE)

Fayetteville State University is the only HBCU which has been selected for the NASA 2021 STTR Program Phase I award as a Research Institution partnering with STEM Resources, a minority-owned Small Business. NASA selected 289 small businesses and 47 research institutions to receive the Phase I funding this year1. Of the 47 research universities that were funded, 19% are Minority Serving Institutions2

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NASA's best Innovation and Technology Transfer Idea Award goes to Fayetteville State University (FSU

After nearly eight months of reviewing and narrowing down numerous innovation and technology transfer proposals from various universities, NASA selected eight projects as finalists for its MUREP Innovation Tech Transfer Idea Competition (MITTIC): 4 from California, 2 from New Mexico, 1 from North Carolina, and 1 from Maryland. During the final presentations on April 15, 2021, the Judges selected FSU's innovation and technology transfer idea "BioLidar" as the winning project. 

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Multi-locus Genome-Wide Association Study and Gene Expression Analysis of Anticancer Peptide Lunasin in Soybean (Glycine max  L. Merr.) Seeds.

Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seeds contain a variety of potential health beneficial phytochemicals including cancer-preventive molecule lunasin.

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Pentagon to the People at FSU

On April 11 - 12, 2018, DoD hosted "Taking the Pentagon to the People" at Fayetteville State University to discuss critical White House initiatives and DoD's continued support of Presidential Executive Order 13532 " advance the development of the Nation's full potential and to advance equal opportunity in higher education." DoD will focus on the participation by HBCU/MSIs in federally-sponsored programs; provide advice to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness on how to increase the DoD's role in strengthening HBCUs, with particular emphasis on enhancing institutional infrastructure and facilitating planning, development, and the use of new technologies to ensure the goal of long-term viability and enhancement of these institutions as a major resource for the DoD mission.

Pentagon to the People Event Photos: 

Pentagon to the People at FSU Program Booklet 
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Geo Week and GIS Day 2020

In concert with the National Geography Awareness Week and GIS Day, the Geospatial Science and GEOINT programs at Fayetteville State University is thrilled to celebrate the 4th Geospatial Awareness Week 2020 (4th GeoWeek 2020) during the first week of November 2020, from Monday (11/2) to Friday (11/6). 

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News Release: Fayetteville State University Chemistry Student and Veteran Receive Prestigious Honor at International Conference

Tashi Hatchell, a bachelor of science in chemistry - pre-health major in Fayetteville State University's (FSU) Department of Chemistry, Physics and Materials Science, recently received a prestigious Student Poster Award based in competition at the Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) 2020 Virtual Conference. She was among nine awardees in the Physical Sciences category, out of over 290 posters internationally in the division.

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News Release:  Dr. Gautam's Collaborators Receive Worldwide Attention for "Transparent Solar Panels for Power Generating Windows" Research  

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Dr. Bhoj Gautam's research group in the Department of Chemistry, Physics and Materials Science is working on organic solar cells. He has collaborated with many researchers within the U.S. and internationally, and has published more than 40 papers on organic electronics.  

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News Release: Grant and Contract Awards Experiences Rapid Growth  

Grant and Contract Awards Experiences Rapid Growth at Fayetteville State University Congratulations to FSU's leadership, faculty, staff, and students as grant and contract awards at FSU experiences rapid growth. The data is extracted from the UNC electronic research administration system (RAMSeS), which usually is 50% of the actual total grant and contract funding FSU receives.

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Cape Fear Research Consortium Meeting at FSU

The Cape Fear Research Consortium is a collaboration of academic, healthcare and military institutions in the Cape Fear region.

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Fraud Informatics Symposium at Fayetteville State University - Sponsored by ORAU

The Fraud Informatics Symposium 2019 is in support of the NSF Award DGE-1820609, Developing and Evaluating Fraud Informatics Curriculum among Institutions in the Appalachian Region. The purpose is to introduce instructors and faculty members to a new curriculum, Fraud Informatics, developed by Dr. Dongwon Lee at Penn State. Read more

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Cape Fear Research Consortium Meeting at FSU

The Cape Fear Research Consortium is a collaboration of academic, healthcare and military institutions in the Cape Fear region.

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Fraud Informatics Symposium at Fayetteville State University - Sponsored by ORAU

The Fraud Informatics Symposium 2019 is in support of the NSF Award DGE-1820609, Developing and Evaluating Fraud Informatics Curriculum among Institutions in the Appalachian Region. The purpose is to introduce instructors and faculty members to a new curriculum, Fraud Informatics, developed by Dr. Dongwon Lee at Penn State.

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Womack Medical Center signs a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with Fayetteville State University

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Grant Recognition Awardees (July 1, 2018 - July 31, 2019)

Fayetteville State University Recognizes Faculty and Staff
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NASA and Fayetteville State University

Fayetteville State University is one of the top ten Universities with innovation idea accepted by NASA.

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Fort Bragg Research Institute

The institute's mission was announced at a news conference in Fayetteville State's Rudolph Jones Student Center. A newly formed nonprofit called the Fort Bragg Research Institute aims to seek millions of dollars in annual grants to bolster the operational readiness of soldiers and the health and economic well-being of Cumberland County.

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Fayetteville State University (FSU) enters into a research partnership agreement with the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL). 

Continuing its advancement as a growing research institution, Fayetteville State University has added the US Army Research Laboratory as one of its collaborative partners in the development of scientific research projects. 

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U.S. Army Medical Command and Fayetteville State University sign a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement

Fayetteville State University has signed a master Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the Clinical and Translational Research Program Office of the U.S. Army Medical Command to perform medical Research, Development, Testing, and/or Evaluation (RDTE) work.

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