Secondary Education and Specialized Subjects

We provide students with the opportunity to earn degrees in the subject areas of Mathematics, Biology, English, Music (K-12), Art (K-12) and Spanish (K-12) with a concentration in Teacher Education. Students from these programs, possess very strong content knowledge and develop pedagogical skills as they matriculate through the degree programs.

Why Choose Secondary Education?

Earning a content area degree with a concentration in teaching gives students numerous options. You are prepared to go directly into the classroom or industry without any additional training. 

  • Steady Employment: Teacher education is a consistent high need area. Students with content area degrees usually have accepted employment opportunities before they graduate. 
  • Significant work with people: The teaching profession provides a lifetime of rewarding opportunities to help the next generation.  There is nothing greater than knowing you have made an impact and assisted a young person in reaching their full potential. 

Our Programs

We offer degrees at the baccalaureate and two degrees at the master's level with various concentrations. These programs lead to a North Carolina initial or advanced license. In addition, the Department offers the North Carolina initial licensure only programs for candidates who already hold a bachelor's degree. 


Teaching Concentrations (K-12: Art, HPE, Music and Spanish) (9-12: Biology, English, Mathematics)


M.A.T. (K-12: Art, HPE, Music and Spanish) (9-12: Biology, English, Mathematics and Social Studies)  

M.Ed. (9-12: Biology, Mathematics)

To learn more about our programs and courses of study, visit the course catalog

What Will You Learn? 

  • Technology-You will gain practical knowledge of the latest technology tools used in today's classrooms.  
  • Pedagogy-You will gain valuable knowledge of culturally relevant pedagogy and pedagogy of the oppressed. 
  • Conflict Resolution-You will gain knowledge in the management of people, situations, policies and protocols as it pertains to education.  
  • Strategic Planning- You will learn and practice the art of effective lesson planning and development of short-and long-term goals for sustained success.  
  •  Diversity-You will gain a deeper understanding of themselves as well as those around them.
  • Mentoring- You will participate in mentorship relationships with in-service teachers to gain real work experience.  
  • Leadership-You will develop valuable leadership skills through intentional leadership training and situational analysis.  

What Will You Do?

Upon completion of the program, you will be able to go directly into a Secondary (9-12) or K-12 classroom and start teaching without any additional certifications. If you decided not to teach you will have access to industry in a number of capacities such as educational trainers and providing technical assistance using your methodological and pedagogical skills to support industry or entrepreneurship.


Exit Requirements

To graduate with a secondary education and specialized subjects, students must, successfully complete the university college core and: 

  1. Have accumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher with a grade of C or better in each professional, major core, and concentration courses.
  2. Successfully complete Clinical Experience (Student Teaching).
  3. Earn a satisfactory rating on the Clinical Experience (Student Teaching), Exit Criteria, or LEA/IHE Certification of Teaching Capacity.
  4. Formally submit an edTPA portfolio to Pearson for teaching licensure in North Carolina (Students are responsible for cost).
  5. Submit graduation application and fees.