MyHub Instructions

Access to MyHub

Click on MyHub.

Click on the Create Your Account Now.

Sign Up For MyHub
Current Students: Enter Fayetteville State University in the College name field.
Former Students: You must sign in using Google or LinkedIn to view your data, order transcripts, etc.

Click Next.

Sign Up

Review the terms and agreements.
Scroll to the bottom of the page.

  Review terms and Agreements

Click the “I have read” line.
Click Next.

Accept Terms

You must complete the “Set up the multifactor authentication” process.

Set up Multifactor Authentication

Click “SETUP” based on the authentication process you choose, you will receive a prompt similar to below.
Click on the “SEND ME THE CODE” prompt or follow the prompts based on your selection.

 Send Authentication Code


Based on the medium you selected, you will receive a verification code.

Follow the steps provided based on your selection.

Process selection

Once authenticated, you will receive a message like the one below. Click FINISH.

Authentication finish

You are now logged into MyHub! Please explore!

Home page


Click “Help” at any time for more detailed information.

Help Page