Karen McElrath

Dudley E. Flood Endowed Professor of Criminal Justice

Phone: 910-672-2193 

Email: kmcelra1@uncfsu.edu 

Room: LTB 309 


Ph.D., Florida State University (Criminology)
M.S., University of Louisville (Justice Administration)
B.S., University of Louisville (Police Administration

Courses Taught

CRJC 200 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
CRJC 220 Introduction to Corrections
CRJC 305 Race, Class, and Gender in Criminal Justice
CRJC 314 Criminal Justice Research Methods
CRJC 325 Drugs and Crime
CRJC 370 Special Topics: Death Penalty
CRJC 501 Foundations in Criminal Justice Systems (graduate)

Research Interests

Barriers to treatment for opioid addiction; ritual and injecting drug use
Race and school suspensions; school-to-prison pipeline
HIV/STD prevention (https://www.researchgate.net/project/HIV-STD-prevention-among-African-American-young-adults-campus-and-surrounding-communities)

Recent Publications

McElrath, K. (2017). Medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction in the United States: Critique and commentary. Substance Use and Misuse, forthcoming. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/articles/28862903

McElrath, K., Taylor, A., and Tran, K. K. (2016). Black-white disparities in criminal justice referrals to drug treatment: Addressing treatment need or expanding the diagnostic net? Behavioral Sciences, 6 (21). http://www.mdpi.com/2076-328X/6/4/21

McElrath, K., Stana, A., Taylor, A., and Johnson-Arnold, L. (2016). Race/sex interactions and HIV testing among college students. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 4(1):112-121. doi: 10.1007/s40615-016-0208-1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26896037

McElrath, K. and Taylor, A. (2016). The MagnumTM phenomenon and its challenges for HIV/STD prevention. Letter. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 43(3):207. http://journals.lww.com/stdjournal/Citation/2016/03000/The_Magnum_Phenomenon_and_Its_Challenges_for.12.aspx

Brightman, S., Lenning, E., and McElrath, K. (2015). State-directed sterilizations in North Carolina: Victim-centeredness and reparations. British Journal of Criminology 55:474-493. http://bjc.oxfordjournals.org/content/55/3/474.abstract

Coomber, R., Donnermeyer, J., McElrath, K., and Scott, J. (2014). Key Concepts in Crime and Society. London: Sage. http://www.uk.sagepub.com/books/Book235275

Inciardi, J. A. and McElrath, K., editors (2014). The American Drug Scene, 7th edition. New York: Oxford University Press. (First edition published in 1991) https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-american-drug-scene-9780199362080?cc=us&lang=en&


McElrath, K. (2017). Community Education Lecture: Stigma and opioid addiction. Health Care Action Team, Strategic Planning and Partnerships Commission, Jamestown, NY. (Invited)

McElrath, K. (2016). The "addict" and the "felon": Social control and the carceral continuum. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Denver.

Shekarkhar, Z., Guevara, L., Brown, J., and McElrath, K. (2016). Students' perceptions of school suspensions. American Society of Criminology, New Orleans.

McElrath, K. (2016). Synthetic cannabinoids in the US: Shifting patterns, targeted marketing and risk. Economic and Social Research Council (United Kingdom), Seminar Series: New Drugs and Risk. Belfast, Northern Ireland. (Invited)

McElrath, K. (2014). Community Education Lecture: Heroin Addiction. Health Care Action Team, Strategic Planning and Partnerships Commission, Jamestown, NY. (Invited)

McElrath, K. (2012). Leadership, community, and political conflict. Buffalo State College, Buffalo. (Invited)


Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

Honors, Awards, and Grants

McElrath, K. (PI), Taylor, A. (Co-I), Stana, A. (Co-I), Johnson-Arnold, L. (Co-I) (2014-2017). Integrated Multilevel HIV Prevention Program for African-American Young Adults. This three-year project connects with community-based organizations and focuses on reducing HIV, STD, and substance-related harms among African-Americans aged 18-24. Interventions: mass condom distribution, rapid HIV testing on campus, small-group interventions with MSM, peer health education (campus) and HIV/STD outreach (community). SAMHSA, $859,548.

McNair Mentor (2015)


Guest editor with Herman Joseph (2016-2017). Special issue: Medication-assisted treatment for opioid dependence; Substance Use and Misuse.