Student Complaint Process

At Fayetteville State University, we recognize students as the primary customers for all of the services that we offer, from classroom instruction to personal counseling to computer labs. When an area of the university needs improvement or change to better serve the needs of students, we appreciate hearing from them.

The purpose of the Student Complaint Process is to provide students with appropriate means for registering complaints regarding University actions, decisions, and/or processes. 

Upon receipt of a written complaint, the appropriate University official will review the complaint and contact the student within ten (10) business days to verify receipt of the complaint, clarify any information provided by the student, and request any additional information that may be needed from the student. After reviewing the student's complaint, the University official will provide the student with a written notification of the determination and outcome of the student's complaint.

The University recognizes the importance of confidentiality and, to the extent reasonably possible, will respect the confidentiality of students who file complaints. Confidentiality may not be able to be maintained in circumstances where the law requires disclosure of information or when disclosure required by the University outweighs protecting the rights of others.

To learn more, review the process and FAQs below. If you are an online student, visit the Online Education site to learn more about the options and resources available for you. 

The Process (DOCX)

Student Complaint Form (For Current FSU Students-Requires Log-In)

Student Complaint Form (For Prospective and/or Former FSU Students)