International Education Center

Mission: The Office of International Education works with other FSU units to produce global citizens and leaders as change agents for sharping the future of the state by promoting the core student learning outcomes of Global literacy and Ethics and Civic Engagement. Our mission is to develop and promote global perspectives through engagement in the international arena and become a regional resource for global initiatives.

What we do?

We achieve our mission through supporting high quality Global Understanding courses, study abroad, assisting international students, and supporting diverse international opportunities for faculty and staff in teaching, research and outreach.

Contact us:

Deborah McLeod Vasquez
Interim Director
(910) 672-1957

For FSU to remain in compliance, ALL F-1 VISA international students in the U.S. are only allowed to take one online course or one distance learning course per semester. All the remaining classes must be face to face.

The definition of an online course is as follows:

“An online, or distance learning, course for the purpose of international student regulations means a course that is primarily offered through technology and does not require the student's physical attendance for classes, examinations or other purposes integral to completion of the class.”