SAP Recognition Award Program

SAP Recognition Award Program offers SAP Recognition Award will be issued by FSU and SAP to students who successfully complete 4 BCBE courses with SAP components.

Questions? Contact:
Mrs. Berrak Walters
(910) 672-1218

SAP Recognition Award program is highly selective. In order to apply for SAP Recognition Award Program please fill out the form in the following link:

Apply SAP Recognition Award Program

Some SAP Courses in the MBA Program

ERP 611 - Introduction to ERP and Business Processes

A problem-based, interdisciplinary course on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) concepts to help you understand the integrated software modules used to run virtually all business processes in an organization. This course explains and demonstrates in detail how business processes such as sales logistics, production/material management, procurement, and human resources are supported in an ERP software package.

Credits: 3

ERP 612 - Electronic Business Management

A problem-based exploration of the various electronic business tools and technologies required to efficiently manage a supply chain.

Credits: 3

ERP 613 - Operations Planning and Control

Gain detailed information on planning and control systems for business operations through aggregate production planning procedures and disaggregation methods in hierarchical production planning. Topics will include forecasting, capacity planning, scheduling, and inventory management.

Credits: 3
Prerequisite: ERP 611 & ERP 612

ERP 614 - Purchasing and Materials Management

Focuses on materials management and purchasing policies, procedures, and goals including the role of purchasing in production planning and inventory management. Key topics include: providing uninterrupted flow of materials and services, keeping inventory at a minimum to achieve the organization's objectives, quality standards, supplier selection and development, order specifications and agreements, improving competitive position, and achieving positive external and internal working relationships.

Credits: 3
Prerequisite: ERP 611 & ERP 612

If you are interested in the other SAP classes at undergraduate level or in the MBA program, please use Banner to sign up for the classes and see the schedule for the upcoming semesters.

You may use Dynamic Schedule to see the course schedule without Banner Login.