Fayetteville State University has appointed Wesley Fountain to the position of Vice Chancellor for External Affairs and Military Relations

Two New Appointments at FSU. Fayetteville State University has appointed Wesley Fountain to the position of Vice Chancellor for External Affairs and Military Relations. Fountain will replace Wendell Phillips, who will now be responsible for leading FSU's state and federal relations department.
Date: May 19, 2022

Wesley Fountain and Wesley Phillips

Wesley Fountain, left, and Wendell Phillips.

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C., (May 19, 2022) – We are pleased to announce that Fayetteville State University has appointed Wesley Fountain to the position of Vice Chancellor for External Affairs and Military Relations.

In his new role, Fountain will serve as a liaison and the point of contact between the university and all levels of community agencies and organizations within the Sandhills Region. Fountain will manage the day-to-day operations for the entire External Affairs and Military Relations department. He and his team will oversee relationships with local and county officials, state and federal representatives, military partners and key stakeholders and business development leaders within the greater Sandhills Region. This unit will continue to play a critical role in FSU's strategic plan as it seeks to create and leverage strategic partnerships for the university.

“Mr. Fountain has served at FSU since 2010 in a variety of capacities from government relations assistant to director of constituent relations to his current role as AVC for Community Relations and Economic Partnerships. At every level, Mr. Fountain has excelled, whether at the community level, state government affairs and when forming and leveraging economic partnerships around development. Through his expertise and diligence, Wesley has been a tremendous asset in supporting the university’s priorities in every way,” says Chancellor Darrell T. Allison. “In light of recent and historic fortunes for this university, this new division’s responsibilities have grown exponentially and has caused me to refocus and provide the necessary resources needed to invest in additional personnel toward FSU’s overall expansion.”

Fountain will replace Wendell Phillips, who will now be responsible for leading FSU’s state and federal relations department. Phillips is a former member of the Maryland House of Delegates and served on the House Ways and Means Committee and various other task forces from 1999-2003. Phillips will work with key state and federal stakeholders. In his new role, Phillips will be responsible for not only maintaining and establishing relationships at the state level, but he will be primarily responsible for doing the same at the federal level also.

“The administration has made this new position a priority. Growing our governmental capital will assist with providing additional support for legislation, funding sources, enrollment, and student success. I am confident that in this capacity Wendell will help FSU expand its footprint on Capitol Hill and the Department of Defense given FSU’s strong national position with military-connected students and the broader military community. Given Mr. Phillips unique legislative experience in the greater D.C. area, FSU could not have a more experienced leader in helping us at the federal level” says Chancellor Darrell T. Allison.

Prior to joining FSU, Phillips served as Chief of Staff at North Carolina Central University where he provided direction for Title III programming designed to improve and strengthen academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability of the university, and provided direction for government-related policies and community issues that support university goals.

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