Printing on Campus

Print Services - FSU is under contract with Systel, a local vendor, for managed print services across the campus.  The university pays them monthly for number of pages printed in return for their services. The cost per page is 7 cents for monochrome and 12.5 cents for color printing.  The vendor is responsible for all the consumables, such as toner cartridges, repair parts, and repair services; ITS supplies the printer paper.  An ITS staff person ensures all the managed printers are functioning properly, supplies toner cartridges, and delivers paper when needed.

Each staff and faculty are allotted $200 in the beginning of each fiscal year; however, their departmental budget is charged only for what they print.  If needed, their department head can request more by submitting a form online.  

As part of the tuition, the educational technology fee covers a printing allotment of $37.50 for the students each semester. If they reach their quota, they pay for additional printing following the standard rates at the Cashier's Office.    

In general, very few people need more than the initial amount, but if they do, it is easy to increase the quota if the above procedures are followed.  

This initiative was undertaken to reduce the number of printers, and thereby reducing the cost of printer ownership for the university. The first Managed Print Services contract was signed in September 2008 when FSU had 1500 printers across the campus. They were all sizes, shapes, and brands.  After the contract was signed, the number of printers was reduced from 1500 to 312.  We currently have 220 managed printers on contract and there may be an additional 80 - 90 department owned printers on people's desks that need to be added to it soon.  

Additionally, FSU senior management has recently set 200 pages as the limit that can be printed on the managed printers at one time.  Those who wish to print larger volumes must send their original and a print request to the Bronco Print Solutions via Bronco E-buy.  The print shop will print the desired number of copies and deliver the output within a short period of time.  Please, contact Bronco Print Solutions for more details.