
The FSU Purchasing Department is a subunit of Materials Management. The Purchasing Department reports to the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor of Business and Finance. The Purchasing Department administers the procurement function for the University. The unit is staff by a team of professional, experienced and dedicated employees. 

We strive to maintain the most efficient process while adhering to the requirements of the University, State and Federal Laws, and customers. Our main goal is to support University Goals in a timely manner. 

Contact Information

Brooke Deaton
Purchasing Specialist

Rasheen Williams
Purchasing Specialist

Willie McIntyre
Purchasing Specialist

Michael Goodson
Purchasing Specialist & P-Card Administrator

Bronco eBuy

Purchases originated in Bronco eBuy follow the same Purchasing Policies as required in Banner.

However, requisitioner now has total control of all purchases made using the Bronco eBuy Sciquest system. Only the Non-Catalog items and purchases made over a certain dollar amount are sent to the Purchasing Department. Purchase orders created in Bronco eBuy system is sent directly to the suppliers. The PO's created in Sciquest are no longer printed, but are stored in the system electronically.

Purchasing Card Program

The Purchasing Card Program was established to allow rapid purchases of repetitive or low dollar goods while simultaneously reducing paperwork and handling costs associated with these types of purchasing processes. 

Purchasing Card Application