
October 1, 2021 - PREM Day @ FSU - Dr. Yimin Mao, a scientist from our partner, visited FSU and delivered a seminar entitled " Preferred Orientation: A Powerful Maneuver for Structural Analysis and Material Design".

(a) PREM group; (b, c) seminar by Dr. Mao; (d-g) PREM group reserach presentation.

April 15, 2021 - Fayetteville State Univeristy team received NASA MUREP Innovation Tech Transfer Idea Competition (MITTIC) 2021 award. PREM scholar Lianis Reyes-Rosa is one of the student team members. [Link]

From left to right: Lianis V. Reyes-Rosa, Jennifer Barkley, and Daria Thomas (all undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry, Physics and Materials Science).

February 20, 2020 - PREM Day @ FSU - NSF PREM Program Director Dr. Debasis Majumdar and our partner NIST scientist Dr. Yun Liu made an onsite visit. Dr. Liu presented a seminar entitled " Applications of neutron scattering to address fundamental challenges in industrial applications".

NSF onsite visit
(a) Seminar by Dr. Liu; (b) discussions with Drs. Majumdar and Liu; (c) PREM group; (d) tour of SENCR-MIC; (e-j)  student presentations by Candyce Collins, Carlos Posada, Jessa Guffie, Washat Roxanne Ware, Aspyne Silvestro and Caressia Edwards.

February 6-8, 2020 - PREM undergraduate student Washat Roxanne Ware Received the Best Poster Presentation Award in Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference. [Link]

ERN award

December 1-6, 2019 - Five undergraduates attend the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston, Mssachusetts.

MRS 2019

Top left: Jessa Guffie (MRS FSU Chapter President); top right: Candyce Collins (MRS FSU Chapter member).
Middle: Jacob Hayes (MRS FSU Chapter Secretary).
Bottom left: Carlos Posada (MRS FSU Chapter Vice President); bottom right: Washat Roxanne Ware (MRS FSU Chapter member),

November 22, 2019, PREM Day @ FSU - Dr. Dan Neumann, Director of CHRNS, and Dr. Julie Borchers, Associate Director of CHRNS, visited FSU and presented a seminar entitled "Neutrons at NIST".

(a) PREM group; (b) Dr. Dan Neumann at seminar; (c) Dr. Dan Neumann teaches students; (d) Dr. Julie Borchers with students; (e-i) student presentation by Candyce Collins, Caressia Edwards, Carlos Posada, Jessa Guffie, and Washat Roxanne Ware; (j) tour of SENCR-MIC; (k) PREM group dinner at Tandoori Bites restaurant.

August 20 through August 26, 2019 - PREM Postdoc Fellow Dr. Sivasankara Ede and student Caressia Edwards conducted on-site research at CHRNS.

Undergraduate Caressia Edwards at NIST.

July 26, 2019 - PREM student Lenore Miller was awarded back-to-back internships at the NASA Langley Research Center. She was supported to conduct research at NASA for a year. 
FSU News: Back-to-Back NASA Internships Awarded to Fayetteville State University Student [Link].

June 19, 2019 - Co-PI Dr.  Bhoj Gautam visited CHRNS and presented a seminar: Manipulation of Optoelectronic Properties of Polymer and Perovskite Nanostructures for Photovoltaic Applications, Low-Q Seminar series at NCNR.

Dr. Bhoj Gautam and undergraduate Washat Roxanne Ware at NIST.

Summer 2019 - PREM Student Scholars Candyce Collins and Washat Roxanne Ware conducted NIST SURF research at NIST, Gaithersburg from May 28, 2019 to August 9, 2019.

March 21, 2019 - PREM Student Scholars Candyce Collins and Washat Roxanne Ware were selected to attend the NIST SURF Gaithersburg program in MML/NCNR Materials Science from May 28, 2019 to August 9, 2019.

August 26, 2018 - The IC-PREM project was funded by NSF. [Link]